Once you do enough dog poop scooping you tend to notice a few patterns emerge as to where dogs prefer to poop, and places they avoid. Here are a few of these emerging patterns we have discovered here at Doody Bug poop scooping services.
First of all, small dogs tend to have different preferences than larger dogs. From what we've gathered, smaller dogs have a preference pooping closer to the back door of the house, not venturing to far to further out in the backyard, and not traveling further to the sides of the house out of view of the backdoor/windows. We are not dog psychologists, but we wonder if perhaps it is because they don't feel as safe traveling further out due to their smaller size, like its a security issue where they prefer to stay in view of their humans or other doggy sidekicks. Or perhaps its merely an efficiency and logistical issue; they have smaller legs so it takes more effort to venture further out into the yard.
Pooping closer to the backdoor presents a certain issue however. It tends to stink up the area around your back door with poop and pee smell. Never fear, we have a solution for that. If you would like we can treat the area with two different options of deodorizer spray, a chemical based one, or an enzymatic one to eat up the smell.
Larger dogs however tend to poop further out in the yard. We find that when available, if there is a side yard slightly out of view, like by an a/c unit on the side of the house, they like to do their business there about 60% of the time. The rest of the time, they tend to go far out in the backyard along a 4 or 5 foot strip by the fence lines, with a preference toward parts of the yard further away from the backdoor if the door does not open to the center of the backyard (asymmetric).
Now that you know waaayyyy to much about dog poop patterns, here is another trick for you to try out. Often times (brash generalization) dogs will develop habits as to where they poop based on smell. Some dog owners have had success in getting their dogs to poop in certain parts of the yard, farther away from the back door, by intentionally leaving a little bit of dog poop in those areas when they do their own poop scooping. We can do this for you if you would like to try it out.